HKWMA Membership Subscriptions for Session 2024/25
HKWMA’s membership starts on 1st July every year, and it is time of the year to renew your HKWMA membership. HKWMA membership is growing, a sure sign of the interesting interest in the management of Hong Kong's Waste and we hope that you will continue to be involved.
The HKWMA continues to have a leading role in the arena of tHong Kong waste management and provides active and useful support to many stakeholders. The HKWMA offers an efficient platform for establishing valuable contacts and relevant, up-to-date information on interesting developments.
The next few years will continue to be significant for Hong Kong's waste management, with numerous new waste management facilities under construction, old facilities closing, and the continued development of innovative ways to reduce, recycle and treat our waste as a resource. As the main representatives of the waste management sector in Hong Kong and the HKWMA has an impact on matters related to waste management policies and their implementation.
For Existing Members
As usual, we would kindly request that you take a couple of minutes and provide updated information if there are changes to your particulars (e.g. contact details, working company, address, or any new representatives, etc.) by advising our HKWMA Membership Secretariat (membership@hongkongwma.org.hk), so we can ensure you always will be kept updated on HKWMA news and events. Alternatively, you can send us the Application_Form with the updated information. The membership certificate 2024/25 will then be prepared according to the updated information provided and sent via email to members.
For New Members
If you would like to apply for membership, then please complete the Application Form and proceed as instructed on the Form.
Membership Categories
Membership is open to all those who are interested in waste management. There are four (4) categories of membership.
Individual Membership
Individual Membership shall be open to any person aged 18 years and over (at the time of application) with an interest in solid waste management issues.
Organization Membership
For companies, partnerships, government bureaux / departments, trade associations, etc. Each Organization Member can designate up to five (5) named representatives.
Institution Membership
For non-profit making bodies such as tertiary educational institutions, green groups and charities. Each Institution Member can designate three (3) named representatives.
Student Membership
Students are defined as individuals in full time tertiary education. Student Memberships are free, but have no membership rights within the Constitution but may participate in activities of the Association upon invitation. Environmental scientists, engineers and other professionals working or interested in areas associated with waste management are more than welcomed to join.
Membership Fee
The membership year runs from 1st July each year to 30th June of the following year. There is good news that we have been able to keep the membership fees at the old rate. The annual membership fees are :
Organization Membership: HK$3,000
Institution Membership: HK$1,200
Individual Membership: HK$400
Student Membership: Free
New members, however, shall be entitled to a pro-rated membership fee for the first year they join in. Dependent on the member's joining date, the follow schedule shall apply. If members join in between:
1st July and 30th September, 100% of the annual fee shall apply.
1st October and 31st December, 75% of the annual fee shall apply.
1st January and 31st March, 50% of the annual fee shall apply.
1st April and 30th June, 25% of the annual fee shall apply.
Membership Application
For Existing Members renewing their Membership
1. All existing members DO NOT have to complete the HKWMA Membership Application Form.
2. If there is any change in your contact details, please send an email to the HKWMA Membership Secretariat (membership@hongkongwma.org.hk), so we can ensure you always will be kept updated on HKWMA news and events. Alternatively, you can send us the Application form with the updated information.
3. Make your applicable fee payment either:
a.) by crossed-cheque payable to “Hong Kong Waste Management Association” and send it to our P.O Box No. 28705, Gloucester Road Post Office, Hong Kong with mention of your membership number on the back,
b.) or by transfer to the Hang Seng Bank (Account no. 225-110162-001) and send an email with scan of the transfer slip to the HKWMA Membership Secretariat (membership@hongkongwma.org.hk) with mention of your membership number and name of the member.
4. The membership certificates 2024/25 will then be prepared and sent via email to members.
As an environmental friendly association, we encourage you to make fee payment by bank transfer. Finally, we would like to received your comments and suggestions as we aim for continuous improvement of our service to you and your input is valuable to achieve this.
Note: For Organization and Institution membership, please include the names of ALL representatives.
For New Members (including previous Members with membership discontinued)
1. Download our Membership Application / Renewal Form, and complete the process per the instructions in the Form. Membership is valid upon receipt payment.
2. Make your applicable fee payment on the same way as shown above.