Hong Kong Waste Management Association is pleased to invite you to join our technical visit to T. Park on 25 Jan 2025 (Saturday).
Please take note that the visit will be conducted in English. For details, please refer to itinerary.
Please mark the date and register via the link below no later than 23 Jan 2025 (Thu). We can only accommodate 25 members in this event, so please act quickly.
Registration link: https://forms.gle/cgUb9Npd3zRCBABKA
Each applicant is required to pay $100 deposit for registration. As this function is free for HKWMA members, members will receive the refund of the deposit at the day of visit.
We will send you a confirmation email if you have been successfully signed up. Please pay to HSBC Account no.: 404-625600-833 (Account holder: Chan K. H.) and email us (ymc@hongkongwma.org.hk) a copy of your receipt. However, please do not pay without the confirmation email.
CPD certificates in electronic form will be delivered via email to the participants after the visit.
If you have any queries, feel free to contact us via e-mail ymc@hongkongwma.org.hk
Further to the notice below on the 1st International Conference on Thermal Treatment and Resource Recovery (T2R2) from 23rd to 25th January 2025, HKWMA is pleased to provide an update on the following conference information:
Updated registration link: LINK
Updated online payment: LINK
Updated Conference Venue: LT-C, LT-F & LT-G, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
A Two-day CPD certificate will be provided for conference participants.
HKWMA is delighted to invite you to the 1st International Conference on Thermal Treatment and Resource Recovery (T2R2) co-organised by HKWMA and HKUST.
The Conference Scope includes:
- Thermochemical Processes and Recoverable Energy;
- Materials Recovery and Value-added Utilisation;
- Green Technologies and Net Zero Strategies;
- Resource Circularity and Carbon Neutrality;
- Techno-Economical Assessment and Policy Analysis.
It is a timely topic for Hong Kong, and we are delighted to confirm that the following Keynote Speakers will be addressing the event:
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
- Prof. William Mitch (Stanford University, USA);
- Prof. Samir Khanal (University of Hawai'i at Manoa, USA);
- Prof. Ondrej Masek (University of Edinburgh, UK);
- Prof. Francesca Toma (Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon, Germany);
- Prof. Sze Dai Pang (National University of Singapore, Singapore);
- Prof. Grzegorz Lisak (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore);
- Prof. Yan Zhuge (University of Adelaide, Australia);
- Prof. Marjorie Valix (University of Sydney, Australia);
- Prof. Wengui Li (University of New South Wales, Australia);
- Prof. Shurong Wang (Zhejiang University, China);
- Prof. Haiping Yang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China);
- Prof. Shicheng Zhang (Fudan University, China); and
- Prof. Changwei Hu (Sichuan University, China), etc.
For more information on abstract submission and conference programme / registration, please visit the website at LINK.
We look forward to seeing you at HKUST in January 2025.
The HKWMA is proud to be supporting the EMAHK waste challenge competition -Innovate to Eliminate.
EMAHK is organizing a competition to arouse the interest in the community on Hong Kong's Waste Management problems. They have invited four property developers as Case Sponsors to offer real-world problems for competition teams to research and develop solutions. Information about the competition including criteria, awards, and how to join, can be found on the website, LINK.
The registration form and an information pack can also be downloaded from the link on the website, and we encourage HKWMA members to join the challenge.
Thank you for the support, please feel free to contact EMAHK directly if you have questions.
The 31st HKWMA Annual General Meeting will be held on 16th September 2024 at 6pm, at the Business Environment Council Limited (BEC) Auditorium and Exhibition Hall located at 77 Tat Chi Avenue, Kowloon Tong.
We are honoured to have Professor CHAI Yat-chiu, John, B.B.S., J.P., Chairman of Advisory Council on the Environment (ACE) as our Guest of Honour this year.
Prof. Chai was appointed as the chairman of ACE in January 2023. His career spans academia, research, industry and entrepreneurship. He is a distinguished scholar and business leader known for his expertise in corporate governance, environment and sustainability, innovation and technology, and higher education administration. Prior to joining the Fook Tin Group, Prof. Chai was a full time professor at Northwestern University. He is presently a Professor Emeritus of Northwestern University, and an Honorary Clinical Professor of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hong Kong. He is enthusiastic about engaging in public responsibilities related to higher education, innovation and technology, environmental protection, and the sustainable development of Hong Kong.
It promises to be an interesting and enlightening speech and we encourage you to attend in person, with the indeed incentive that the venue will be providing its usual excellent catering including drinks and snacks.
We kindly ask you to response to email sent to you confirming your intention of attending in person (so the appropriate preparations can be made at the venue) or virtually. For members who would like to join online, press the (LINK) on time.
Please also find the AGM related documents as follows:
- The minutes of the last AGM in 2023 (LINK)
- AGM notice (LINK)
- Nomination forms for ExCo members for the next session (LINK)
Please make sure your nominations for HKWMA full members to become a member of Executive Committee, nominations should be returned to the HKWMA Chairman - Ir Prof. Dan Tsang (chariperson@hongkongwma.org.hk), on or before 9th September 2024.
We look forward to seeing you at this key event for HKWMA and your continued support in the coming year.
The HKWMA is proud to be a supporting organisation for 2024 ReThink HK, a 2-day conference-expo hybrid, and Hong Kong's best attended and most ambitious event for sustainable development. The event will be held on 12th and 13th September 2024 at the HKCEC, Wanchai, full details can be found on the Website.
Register for delegate pass at privieged rates using our [24PHKWMA] by 12 August 2024 at LINK.
We look forward to seeing u there.
In the Waste Blueprint for Hong Kong 2035, the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region sets out the vision to move away from the reliance on landfills for direct disposal of MSW by around 2035. The Government's strategy has two main directions. The first is to mobilise the entire community to practise waste reduction and waste separation for recycling in the upstream. The second is to proactively drive the development of downstream Waste-to-Energy (WtE) facilities for sustainable disposal of the remaining MSW.
The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) are working at full steam on developing of the first modern Waste-to-Energy (WtE) incinerator project in Hong Kong (Integrated Waste Management Facilities Phase 1 (I•Park1)), which currently under construction near Shek Kwu Chau, is expected to handle 3,000 tonnes of MSW per day. The EPD are also actively planning for the development of the Integrated Waste Management Facilities Phase 2 (I•Park2) at Tuen Mun Tsang Tsui, with an expected MSW handling capacity of about 6,000 tonnes per day.
The EPD, together with consultant Binnes Hong Kong Ltd, will organise a Briefing on the proposed I•Park2 and provide the industry with the latest development of the project:
Date: 3 September 2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 14:00 - 17:30 (Hong Kong Time)
Venue: T•Theatre, T•Park, 25 Nim Wan Road, Tsang Tsui, Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong
Languages: Mandarin and English (Simultaneous Interpretation will be provided)
For the rundown and detailed arrangements of the Briefing, please refer to Appendix I.
If you are interested in participaing in this briefing, please complete the registration form in Appendix II below and return it to EPD by email (vlcheng@epd.gov.hk and cwfong@epd.gov.hk) before 9 August 2024. Please note that this invitation and the Brefing is not a tendering exercise to prequalify, shortlist or select any company / individual for the I•Park2 project. Information presented in this Briefing (including the Q&A session) are non-committal, not finalised and subject to change.
If you have any questions regarding the registration or the arrangement of this Breifing, please contact Ms. Vanessa Leung (email:leungy@binnes.com, contact number (+852) 2608 7381). You may also wish to check the following website for updates on the I•Park2 project and this briefing session: LINK.
The Hong Kong Green Strategy Alliance (HKGSA) and the Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (HKEnvIA) are holding their Annual Reception on 2 September 2024 at HKPC Building at Kowloon Tong and the HKWMA is pleased to be a supporting organisation of the event.
Please see the FLYER for more information and details of the event, including how to register.
See you there!
2024 marks the 30th Anniversary of HKWMA and a whole series of events will be organised. The 30th Anniversary HKWMA International Symposium on Sustainable Waste Management towards Carbon Neutrality will be held on 6 - 7 June 2024 at HKUST.
HKWMA is thrilled to organise this event, which brings together experts, policymakers, researchers, and industry leaders from around the globe to discuss and strategise on one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time - waste management.
The symposium will be held full day on 6 June and in the morning of 7 June. Site visit to EcoPark is arranged in the afternoon on the same day. Two-day CPD certificate will be issued to registered participants who has attended the symposium on both days.
Registration for members is HK$2,000 and HK$2,400 for non-members (this includes one year membership fee of HKWMA), so feel free to distribute this invitation to your friends and colleagues. The HKUST lecture theatre has a capacity of 319 so be sure to book your places early.
For details of conference, please visit our Official Website of the Symposium (LINK). For registration, refer to the (LINK).
See you there!!!
HKWMA is very pleased to invite members to our Annual HKWMA Spring Reception and Online Seminar, with details as follows:
Date and Time: 9 May 2024 (Thursday) 6pm - 10pm
Venue: First Floor, Craigengower Cricket Club, 188 Wong Nai Chung Road, Happy Valley
Style: Buffet Style Event with 3 hours of free flow (wine and beer)
We are also very fortunate to have the honour of Mr. Wong Chuen Fai, JP, Commissioner of Climate Change, Environment and Ecology Bureau, Environmental Branch to deliver this year's seminar for our members, on the subject of :
"Measures taken by Hong Kong to tackle Climate Change" (Presentation to start at 7pm)
It will be excellent event, and we would like to have your reply on registation form (LINK) or an email with your name, organisation and membership number to our YMC at ymc@hongkongwma.org.hk before 2 May 2024. Places are limited so your early response is appreciated.
HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organisation for Overseas Training to Germany on Advanced and Green Technology in Environmental Industry.
FHKI Group 26 (Environmental Indsutries Council) will co-organise a training programme to Germany from 11 - 19 May 2024 with Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC). The overseas training programme aims to equip Hong Kong enterprises with comprehensive knowledge in the fields of advanced and green technology in renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainable factors.
Date: 11 - 19 May 2024 (Sat to Sun)
Location: Munich, Koln, Liebenau, Marl, Frankfurt in Germany
Group Size: 15-30 pax
For detailed programme, click HERE ;
For registration, refer to LINK ;
For enquiry, please contact Ms. Justina Lam at 2732 3101 by phone or justina.lam@fhki.org.hk by email.
HKWMA invites you to join the delegation formed by the United States Comercial Services (USCS) to go to the WasteExpo - North America largest solid waste, recycling, organics, food waste recovery, and sustainablity tradeshow serving both the private and public sectors. Details are as follows:
Date: 7 - 9 May 2024 (Exhibition), 6 - 9 May 2024 (Conferences)
Venue: Las Vegas Convention Center, United States
For members who would like to know more or join the delegation, please approach Mr. Michael Wajntal, Commercial Specialist of USCS via email at michael.wajntal@trade.gov or telephone at +852 2521 3721.
More information can be found at the Waste Expo's Website (LINK) or the brochure (LINK).
HKWMA would like to invite you to join our 2nd Discussion Platform / Social Gathering on 19 February 2024, hope you can take the opportunity to mingle with friends and disucss with "waste", with the following details:
Date: 19 February 2024 (7-10pm)
Format: Face to face discussion platform with food and beverage
Language: English
Discussion theme: Waste Charging, PRS, etc.
Location: La Base HK, 3/F, Yue Yan San Centre, 11-15 Chatham Road, South Tsim Cha Tsui
Coverage: Dinner + 2.5hrs of free flow (wine + beer)
Cost to members: HK$200 (Each member is allowed to bring one non-member guest, subject to our availability. Each guest will be required to register and become our individual member with a payment of membership fee on-site).
For registration, press LINK.
We will send you a confirmation email if you have been succesfully signed up. Please pay to HSBC Account No. 404-625600-833 (Account Holder: Chan K. H.) and email us (ymc@hongkongwma.org.hk) a copy of receipt.
For enquiries, contact us via email at ymc@hongkongwma.org.hk.
See you then!

To promote the awareness and understanding of biochar and its practical uses, the BioChar Centre built by Environmental Protection Department (EPD) at EcoPark will be commencing its operations this year.
The Biochar Promotion Conference will take place on 15th November at the Regal Ballroom, B1, Regal Hong Kong Hotel, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong and HKWMA members are invited to attend this event organized by Binnie on behalf of EPD.
Ordinary biochar produced from woody waste can be used for a variety of purposes. Biochar, when used as a soil conditioner, has the ability to enhance plant growth and improve its quality, it serves as an effective filtration material, capable of removing pollutants from various sources. Additionally, biochar can act as a composting enhancer, expediting the composting process while enhancing the quality of the end product. It can also function as a deodorizer and can be added to construction materials, opening up endless possibilities for its utilization to achieve the long-term target of carbon neutrality before 2050.
During the conference distinguished speakers will discuss the various applications and benefits of biochar as well as their valuable experiences in utilizing biochar locally. To provide a comprehensive experience, there are booths from the BioChar Centre, OPARK1, YPARK, BSF Hatch, and Ngau Tam Mei Animal Waste Composting Plant. Please refer to the poster HERE for further details.
Date: 15 November 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 9:30am to 12:30pm (Registration starts at 9:15am)
Venue: Regal Ballroom, B1, Regal Hong Kong Hotel, 88 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay
We encourage members to register and attend this event and look forward to seeing you there.For registration, please scan the QR code below.

Hong Kong Green Strategy Alliance, Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association and Hong Kong Productivity Council will be jointly organising the 2023 Annual Reception (Physical Event in Cantonese) in the evening of 17 November 2023.
HKWMA is pleased to be one of the supporting organisations of the "2023 Annual Reception", which is to be held at the 4/F, Conference Hall of HKPC Building in Kowloon Tong.
This year, the organisers are honoured to have the presence of Mr Tse Chin-wan, BBS, JP, Secretary for Environmental & Ecology of the HKSAR Government to be the Guest of Honour of the event.
Event registration is available via one of the following methods.
1. Online registration at the LINK;
2. Scan the QR code of the REPLY SLIP;
3. Send the filled reply slip by email to info@hkgsa.org.
For enquiries, please freel free to contact Ms. Mandy Lam at 2788 5023.
Enrol now to learn the Green Initiative Updates!
(More photos taken by our professional photographer can be viewed under the LINK)
The 30th AGM was successfully held on 27 September and was well attended by over 100 members, guests and friends. We are privileged to have Dr CHUI Ho Kwong, Samuel, JP, Director of Environmental Protection, as our Guest of Honour.
At the beginning, our chairman, Mr Norman CHENG, summarised our activities over the last 12 months. Mr Cheng also took this opportunity to introduce our new Chairman, Professor Daniel TSANG, who will start leading HKWMA in the 2023/2024 session. It was followed by a presentation of our organisation and institution memberships to thank their support to HKWMA. Our Guest of Honour, Dr CHUI, delivered a remarkable speech on the Government's latest policies on environmental protection, ranging from upcoming MSW charging scheme to promotion of sustainable development and protection of natural ecologies.
It was a great opportunity to have members and friends enjoyed a great night with food and beverage. We look forward to seeing you in the next Annual General Meeting.

Speech delivery by our Guest of Honour, Dr Samuel CHUI, JP, Director of Environmental Protection

Speech delivery by our new chairman of 2023/2024, Professor Daniel TSANG

Speech delivery by our chairman, Mr Norman CHENG
HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organisations of the "BOCHK Corporate Low-Carbon Environmental Leadership Awards 2023" (中銀香港企業低碳環保領先大獎2023), organised by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI) and sponsored by Bank of China (Hong Kong) since 2015, aims to promote active participation in environmentally conscious practices among the enterprises in Hong Kong and the Pan-Pearl River Delta (Pan-PRD) region to further reduce environmental footprints.
Highlights of Awards:
- 3 industry sectors of Manufacturing, Services and Property Management.
- 2 participating categories of EcoPartner or EcoChallenger.
- Enterprises that have provided relevant information on the carbon reduction targets and measures will be granted the "Low-Carbon Committment Logo".
- Enterprises that have applied the Awards for 3, 5, 8 or 10 consecutive years will be granted the additional 3 Years +, 5 Years +, 8 Years + or 10 Years + "EcoPioneer logo" respectively.
- All participating enterprises will be entitled to use the respective logo(s) on their marketing materials within a 1-year entitlement period.
- All participating enterprises of EcoChallenger will be provided with an assessment service by a professional organisation.
- Media coverage and exposure.
HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organisations on a hybrid seminar organised by German Industry and Commerce Ltd. (AHK Hong Kong) and German Chamber of Commerce - South and Southwest China (GCC SSW).
The seminar is around the Circular Economy, with a special presentation of a White Paper - Advanced Sorting Facilities: The Key to Effective and Efficient Recycling and Waste Management in Hong Kong produced by ALBA Group Asia, The Green Earth and German Industry of Commerce Ltd. For more information and to view the White Paper, press HERE.
It is an afternoon event of presentations, start-up pitches, the white paper presentations, panel discussion and networking. Prior to the event is a visit to WEEE Park operated by ALBA Integrated Waste Solutions (HK) Ltd. (ALBA IWS). The seminar aims to bring together experts and industry leaders from Germany and China to discuss how companies and implementing innovative recycling technologies and sustainable materials to create products that are environmentally friendly.
Press LINK for the detailed programme and registration. The seminar will be physically held in Quarry Bay and for those who would join virtually, the zoom link will be sent one day before the event. For enquiries and more information on the event, feel free to contact Mr. Raymong Chung via email: chung.raymond@hongkong.ahk.de
HKWMA would like to invite you to join our technical visit to Vannex International Limited’s End-of-Life Batteries Recycling Facility on 22 July 2023 (Sat).
Please note that the visit will be conducted in English. For more details such as meeting point and itinerary, please refer to the HERE.
Please mark the date and register via the link below no later than 19 Jul 2023 (Wed). We can accommodate about 30 members in this event, so please act quickly!
Registration link: LINK
Each applicant is required to pay $100 deposit for the registration. As this function is free for HKWMA members, members will receive the refund of the deposit at the day of visit.
We will send you a confirmation email if you have been successfully signed up. Please pay to HSBC Account no.: 404-625600-833 (Account holder: Chan K. H. L) and email us (ymc@hongkongwma.org.hk) a copy of your receipt. However, please do not pay without the confirmation email.
CPD certificates in electronic form will be delivered via email to the participants after the visit.
If you have any queries, feel free to contact us via e-mail ymc@hongkongwma.org.hk or contact our helper Donald at 5335 1221.
We regret to advise that the scheduled technical visit to O·PARK2 on Saturday 8th July 2023 has unfortunately been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
We understand that this is a disappointment and apologize for any inconvenience caused. We know that those registered were looking forward to the visit, the HKWMA were equally excited to facilitate it, and we share your disappointment. We hope that you can appreciate the situation and we would like to assure you that we will be rescheduling the visit as soon as possible.
Thank you for your understanding and please accept our apologies once again.
HKWMA is pleased to invite you to a 5-day De-Carbonization Tour in Japan from 14 to 18 March 2023. The event is jointly organised by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI), Environmental Industries Council and the HKWMA.
The objective of the tour is to study the decarbonisation and engineering technologies applied in Japan by means of visiting of food waste plant and recycling facilities, attending De-Carbonisation Expo and exchange experience with relevant Japanese Government Officials, Professionals and Business Representatives. This tour also aims at promoting international cooperation, cultural exchange and obtain mutual understanding of the decarbonisation developments and challenges.
Main activities of the tour include:
- Visit to Ginza 6 Waste Source Separation and Charging;
- Visit to De-carbonisation Expo and Business Matching;
- Visit to Kawasaki Biomass Electric Power Limited;
- Visit to Food Waste Plant - Alfo Company Limited;
- Meeting with Trade Association Japan Expanded Polystyrene Association (JEPSA); and
- Bussiness matchin / networking event with eco industry companies in Japan.
The registration deadline is 10 Feb 2023 and for enquires and registration, please contact Ms. Justina Lam at 2732 3101 by phone or justina.lam@fhki.org.hk by email.
Our AGM and Spring Cocktail Reception have long been considered as promising platforms for ideas exchange and collaboration. With the gradual relaxation of restrictions on social activities, HKWMA is pleased to organise a new style of social gathering / discussion platform and codially invite our members to join. With the serving of food and beverage, members can explore and discuss a comprehensive picture of policy, roadmap, strategies and actions of Hong Kong Waste Management Industry in a more relaxed atmosphere.
- Date: 9 March 2023 (Thursday) 19:00 - 21:00
- Language: English
- Theme: Role and opportunity of Waste Management in Decarbonisation
- Venue: Capo Sai Yin Pun, Basement, 49 Bonham Road, Western District (LINK)
- Number of participants: Max 30.
- Fee: HK$100 (Once your registration is accepted, a confirmation email with payment details will be sent to participants.)
For any queries, feel free to email to ymc@hongkongwma.org.hk.
HKWMA is pleased to be one of the supporting organisations of the "Greater Bay Area Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2022" organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and will be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in both physical and online format.
The conference will feature a powerful speaker line-up of leaders from the Mainland and Hong Kong to demonstrate a comprehensive picture of the policy, roadmap, strategies and actions of various key players in the building and construction industry in the Greater Bay Area in leading and contributing to the important carbon neutrality mission.
The conference will comprise of four sessions:
- Setting the Scene: Policy and Direction by Influential Policy Makers;
- Strategies for Achieving Carbon Peak and Neutral by Mainland Organisations and Enterprises;
- Policies and Roadmaps for Achieving Carbon Neutrality by Hong Kong's Public and Private Sectors; and
- Certification Schemes and Innovative Technologies for Carbon Neutrality.
HKWMA is pleased to be one of the supporting organisations of the "2022 Annual Reception" of Hong Kong Green Strategy Alliance (HKGSA), to be held at the Conference Hall of HKPC Building in Kowloon Tong.
The Hong Kong Green Strategy Alliance (HKGSA) is formed by a group of dedicated and enthusiatic environmental professionals in 2012. Over the years, HKGSA have been fostering the green development of Hong Kong. Apart from organising forums and seminars on various green issues, HKGSA have also submitted its views on the Chief Executive's Policy Address each year and happy to see that many of the proposals HKGSA raised are adopted by the Government.
This year, HKGSA is so honoured to have the prescence of Mr. Tse Chin-wan, Secretary for Environmental and Ecology of the HKSAR Government, who will deliver a Keynote speech. A copy of the Annual Reception flyer is available here (LINK) for your information.
Members can register the event by one of the methods; (a) online registration (LINK); or (b) scanning the QR code available in the flyer; or (c) fill in the reply slip in the flyer and return by email to info@hkgsa.org. For enquires, feel free to contact Ms. Mandy Lam at 2788 5023.
HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organisations of the Series which focuses on Green Building and Construction Technologies cum Practices. The Series are organised by Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) and respected speakers will talk about various green building and construction technologies that are contributing to reaching Carbon Neutrality.
The seminar is completely Free-of-Charge and more details on the seminar are available in the flyer that can be downloaded HERE. To enrol, scan the QR code on the flyer or click the LINK to apply online. For enquiries, you may contact Ms. Mandy Lam at Tel: 2788 5023 or Roxana Li at Tel: 2788 6027.
(More photos taken by our professional photographer can be viewed under the LINK)
The AGM was successfully held on 26 September and was well attended by over 60 members, guests and friends. As our first physical meeting since the pandemic, we are privileged to have Mr. Tse Chin-wan, Secretary of Environment and Ecology Bureau, as our Guest of Honour.
At the beginning, our chairman, Mr. Norman Cheng, summarised our activities over the last 12 months. It was followed by a presentation of our organisation and institution memberships to thank their support to HKWMA. Our Guest of Honour, Mr. C.W. Tse, delivered a remarkable speech on the Government's latest policies on environmental protection, natural ecologies and especially on waste minimisation and promotion of sustainable development.
It was a great opportunity to have members meeting face to face and we look forward to seeing you in the 30th Annual General Meeting next year.

HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organisations of the "BOCHK Corporate Low-Carbon Environmental Leadership Awards 2022" (中銀香港企業低碳環保領先大獎2022), organised by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI) and sponsored by Bank of China (Hong Kong) since 2015, aims to promote active participation in environmentally conscious practices among the enterprises in Hong Kong and the Pan-Pearl River Delta (Pan-PRD) region to further reduce environmental footprints.
Highlights of Awards Updates
- Property Management Sector is added.
- Low-Carbon Commitment Logo is introduced to promote the low-carbon transformation.
- Anti-Epidemic Caring Award is specially added to recognise enterprises for their significant contributions to fight against the epidemic.
- Enterprises that have provided relevant information on the carbon reduction targets and measures will be granted the "Low-Carbon Committment Logo".
- Enterprises that have applied the Awards for 3 or 5 consecutive years will be granted the 3 Years + or 5 Years+ "EcoPioneer logo" respectively.
- All participating enterprises of EcoChallenger will be provided with an assessment service by a professional organisation.
- Media coverage and exposure.
HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organisation of ReThink HK 2022, which is co-organised by Business Environment Council (BEC).
It is the third year of ReThink HK to convene a two-day expo at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The expo aims at gathering business leaders, sustainability practitioners and like-minded delegates to explore sustainable developments and solutions from a Hong Kong context. Apart from the original six themed conference theatres and stages, a brand-new "Future Leaders Stage" is introduced this year to focus on identifying and nurturing the next generation of leaders to empower the city's sustainable development.
The full expo programme can be found in the Brochure. You may also book by visiting their website (LINK). The early bird 2-day pass is available until 4 September 2022 and HKWMA members can enjoy further discount on their Pass in using the promotion code "HKWMAP22".
HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organisations of this Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovative Green Technologies Interactions organised by the HKPC, as well as the Shenzhen Environmental Science Society (深圳市環境科學學會) and the Shenzhen Academy of Environmental Science (深圳市環境科學研究院). The aim of the programme is to provide a platform to environmental industry, scientific research institutes, and academia from Hong Kong and Shenzhen to participate together to conduct in-depth exchanges on innovative green technologies.
The programme now calls for application until 15 August 2022 (Monday) (Deadline extended to 31 August 2022 (Wednesday)) and interested members may refer to the details and requirements via the updated Event Flyer and register online at LINK. Application results will be announced before the prize presentation ceremony together with sharing sessions by awarded organisations in November 2022 (Exact date TBA).
HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organisations of the "Hong Kong Green Awards 2022" (香港綠色企業大獎2022), organised by the Green Council.
HKGA was first organised and staged by the Green Council in 2010 with the goal of formally identifying and recognising companies with exceptional performance on green management and/or sustainable procurement.
The Awards are categorised into 4 different streams:
- Corporate Green Governance Award (CGGA);
- Green Management Award (GMA);
- Environmental, Health and Safety Award (EHSA), and
- Sustainable Procurement Award (SPA).
The Awards now call for application until 9 September 2022 (Friday), please click the LINK to visit the Award Website. For the details, please click HERE to download the Award leaflet. Enquiries can also be made to the Green Council at 3620 2900.
At COP26, nations adopted the Glasgow Climate pact, aiming to turn the 2020s into a decade of climate action and support as one of the final opportunities for international coordination and collaboration to achieve the Paris Agreement. The agreed items include strengthened efforts to build climate resilience, to curb greenhouse gas emissions and to provide the necessary finance for both.
At our society, engineering sector especially environmental profession is directly invested in the outcome of COP26. Not only because engineering solution is crucial for government and businesses to achieve net zero targets, but engineers could also influence climate strategy and policy, put it into practice and facilitate green finance.
As in previous years, HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organisations of this Annual Forum, which aims to discuss and demonstrate engineer's role in a new eco-system that could help Hong Kong's net zero transition. It will focus on innovative engineering solution in three sections i) energy ii) building and construction iii) logistic and transportation.
The Guest of Honour is Mr. Wong Kam-sing, (CBS, JP, Secretary of Environment, Environmental Bureau, The HKSAR Government) and Opening Address will be delivered by Ir Edwin Chung, President of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.
The forum is free-of-charge but seats are limited and prior registration is required. Please see the Event Flyer, visit the forum webpage and register online at LINK.
HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organisation on the said course organised by the Green Council. This training workshop will guide participants to understand the key methodologies and frameworks around the assessment of life cycle impacts and embodied carbon. It will further dive into a variety of tools and products examples to teach participants know to interpret life cycle assessment (LCA) results and how such knowledge can be used for better decision making.
The workshop will further introduce
- key frameworks and standards (ISO standards, Environmental Product Declarations, Product Category Rules, Environmental Labelling, etc.);
- demonstration of life cycle tools (incl. CIC-CAT); and
- a variety of examples and exercises how LCA can be applied for impact disclosure, and environmetal labelling.
Training details:
Session 1: 14:00 - 17:00 on 6 April 2022 (Wednesday)
Registration link: LINK
Session 2: 14:00 - 17:00 on 8 April 2022 (Friday)
Registration link: LINK
The training course will be conducted in English and free-of-charge. Please see the Event Flyer and registered with the above links if you are interested. Certificate of Attendance will be issued to participant who has attended both sessions of training course.
For members who are interested but have missed the webinar with Breer last November, you may see the Activity Report and the Presentation Slides.
To try and suppport this local draft beer, members can order via this link www.breer.com.hk and HKWMA members can enjoy 10% discount from this coupon code: HKWMA.
HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization on the said course organized by the Green Council. COP26 is over and we can take stock and reflect on the progress that has been made, but with countless ambitious goals being set and continued pressure on everyone to make changes, 2022 will be a big year for climate change mitigation action. What can you do now?
This webinar invites businesses to share "what and how climate change mitigation investment decisions are made", update their latest progress and practices in climate change mitigation, and how they are preparing for climate action. Their success stories are invaluable to professionals who need to make or evaluate investment decisions.
The training course will be conducted in English and is free-of-charge. Please see the Event Flyer and register with Green Council directly at the LINK if you are interested.
06 January 2022: URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT / Cancellation of 2022 Winter Cocktail Reception
As you are all aware, the Government has yesterday announced a series of measures to tighten up social distancing measures in view of latest epidemic situation (https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/05/P2022010500859.htm). These measures will come into effect at mid-night on 7th January 2022.
Technically speaking, our “HKWMA 2021 Winter Cocktail Reception” scheduled for today will be unaffected. However, the well-being and safety of all our members and guests remains our top priority at all times. The Executive Committee held an urgent meeting yesterday, and has decided to Cancel the Reception.
This was a difficult decision to make, but in view of the uncertainty this new COVID-19 situations may bring, the Executive Committee has made this decision after consideration that such arrangement is the most appropriate one at present.
We do apologize for any inconvenience this decision may cause, and we seek your kind understanding in such an exceptional situation. The Executive Committee is keen and very eager to organize a physical event in the very near future when situation allows.
Thank you all again for your support. In the meantime, Stay Safe and we hope to see you soon!
29 December 2021: HKWMA submits its Written Responses to the “Public Engagement on Control of Single-Use Plastics”
HKWMA had previously invited our Members to submit responses and comments on the said Public Engagement (PE) exercise on 30 September. Over this period, a dedicated Task Force has been formed within the Executive Committee for the above purpose.
HKWMA is pleased to announce that a Written Submission had been made to the Council for Sustainable Development (SDC) on 29 December 2021. Apart from completing the “Checklist” as requested in return, HKWMA has reiterated its positions clearly in form of a written letter forming part of this Submission, namely:
(1) The “Polluter Pays” principle shall always apply, and HKWMA challenges the Government to set higher and more ambitious targets, including higher charges in future.
(2) While plastics shall be banned on the longer run for obviously environmental reasons, the “for convenience” use of plastics (e.g. umbrella bags) shall be stopped now.
(3) Clear identification and classification of different plastics to enhance public awareness hence increasing recycling efficiency and outcomes, including clear and easy-to-understand statistics and reporting.
Please see our Written Submission for the full particulars, and rest assured that HKWMA will continue to strive and speak out for the betterment of Hong Kong for our future generations.
Last but not least, wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year and All The Best in 2022!
Social activities have been greatly impacted by the pandemic, and the normal gatherings organised by the Hong Kong Waste Management Association have been changed from physical to virtual meetings in the past two years. With the HKSAR government easing on the gathering restrictions, HKWMA believes it is time to arrange an event where members could mingle with peers that they might not have seen for an extended period of time. Details of the Reception are as follows:
Date: 6 January 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 6:00 to 8:30 pm
Venue: Victoria Suite, Hong Kong Club, 1 Jackson Road, Central, Hong Kong
We are honoured that our Past Chairman, Ir Dr Barry Lee who is also the Chief Executive Officer of Associated Engineers, Ltd. (AEL) will provide a short presentation on Y-park, a facility that is dedicated to yard waste recycling in Hong Kong. Y Park is an initiative by the Environmental Protection Department of HKSAR Government, and the Project is now operated by AEL under the Design-Build-Operate contractual scheme.
For registration of the cocktail reception, please complete the online enrollment form via Link before 24 Dec 2021 (Friday). Please also see the Event Flyer for detailed information such as dress code and COVID-19 precautionary measures.
HKWMA signed up as a Participating Organisation of EPD's "Green Event Pledge" on 29 May 2019. We have received the latest eNewsletter Issue No. 2 published by EPD recently.
Content of this Issue:
- Green Event Pledge
- Green Event Alliance Platform and E-Green Voucher Scheme
- A brand new one-stop online platform to assist event organisers in promoting green events in an all-round way
- Provide subsidies for organising green events (depending on the scale of event, can be up to HK$100,000)
- Provide carbon footprint estimation (fulfill CSR and build up a positive ESG image)
- Eco-Expo Asia 2021 - Green Exhibitor Campaign
- Provide subsidies to exhibitors to use green materials in the Eco-Expo Asia 2021
For details, please refer to the eNewsletter in English and Chinese.
HKWMA would like to invite you to join our co-organised webinar on Municipal Solid Waste Charging on 10 Dec 2021 (Friday).
The Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) charging is a common economic means adopted internationally to motivate the general public to reduce waste. This is also a driving force that fuels the downstream recycling industry and facilities the advancement to the vision of Waste Reduction, Resources Circulation and Zero Landfill as set out in the Waste Blueprint for Hong Kong 2035. It also forms an integral part of the development of circular economy in Hong Kong.
The Waste Disposal (Charging for Municipal Solid Waste)(Amendment) Bill 2018 has been passed by the Legislative Council on 26 August 2021. After the passage of the Bill, there is a preparatory period of 18 months as a basic arrangement for the Government, various stakeholders and members of the public to prepare for the implementation of MSW charging.
The webinar will give an overview of the charging mechanisms, the implementation strategy and government's support in facilitating waste recovery and recycling.
For details and registration, please visit: http://ev.hkie.org.hk/en_it_events_inside_Upcoming.aspx?EventID=1239&&TypeName=Events+%2f+Activities.
Attendance certificate will be awarded electronically after the webinar, For enquiries, please contact Mr. Benjamin Lam at bencamay1119@gmail.com.
This year, the forum will be held online and the details of the forum are as follows:
Date: 18 November 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 10:00 - 12:30 / 14:30 - 17:00
Link: https://meeting.tencent.com/p/5476446625
Meeting ID: 547 644 6625
Meeting PIN: 096630
Language: Putonghua
HKWMA is one of the co-organisers of the Forum. No pre-registration is required and it is free of charge. For more information of the Forum, please see the attached flyer here.
Breer is a local start up co-found by four students from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology who are aiming to reduce food waste and develop a sustainable local craft beer brand. By upcycling food waste, Breer wishes to help and dedicate as part of the solution in excessive food waste. CHEERS TO SUSTAINABILITY!
The webinar is free-of-charge and for more information, please see Flyer here. Visit this link: https://forms.gle/hgseKmLF9mXEFFRT8 for registration.
CPD certificates in electronic form will be delivered via email to the participants after the webinar. If you have any queries, feel free to contact us via email: ymc@hongkongwma.org.hk.
30 September 2021: Public Engagement on Control of Single-Use Plastics
At the invitation of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, the Council for Sustainable Development (SDC) has launched the public interaction phase of the public engagement on control of single-use plastics.
The Public Engagement Document highlights the following topics for public discussion:
1. Which single-use plastic products to tackle and the priority, the approach for managing them (such as voluntary measures or regulation) and the timeline; and
2. Exploring ways to go green from the consumers' angle with a view to revolutionising the market, for example:
- the degree of public acceptance (e.g. willingness to bear additional costs for reducing the use of single-use plastics and the acceptable range of additional costs); and
- views on choosing greener products (e.g. reuse potential, green packaging and brands' corporate environmental responsibility).
Please visit https://www.susdev.org.hk/en/index.php for full particulars and submit your comments by 29 December 2021.
23 November 2021: Green Council’s Training Course on “Implementation of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) Recommendation” (Half-Day Online Training Course)
HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organizaton of the said TFCD Online Training Course organized by the Green Council. International investors and financial rating agencies increasingly have recognized the wide array of risk and opportunities that climate change poses to companies, therefore they are incorporating climate and environmental considerations into their decision making for investment. TCFD recommendations were so developed to address this requirement.
The Training Course is free-of-charge. Please see Event Flyer and register with Green Council directly at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_l4ccdvG7T4uHTvUB9VYaJw if you are interested. Please also note that Certificate of Attendance will be issued to participants who attended the training course and complete a feedback survey.
23 ~ 26 November 2021: HKGBC's “International Conference on Advancing Net Zero” (Virtual)
HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the virtual “International Conference on Advancing Net Zero” organized by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC). The Conference is free-of-charge. Further, CPD attendance certificate (~5 hours per day) will also be available upon request.
Please visit the official website (https://www.hkgbc.org.hk/eng/global-movement/International-Conference-on-ANZ/index.jsp) for more information, and register with the organizer directly if you are interested.
15 October 2021: Technical Webinar on Decarbonizing Your Business through Circular Economy
In association with the Environmental Division (EVD) and the Associate Members Committee (AMC) of the HKIE, HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Co-Organizers of the said webinar “Decarbonizing Your Business through Circular Economy”.
This webinar, presented by Dr. Bradley Way (Director of CLP Innovation) and Mr. Cameron McKenzie (Chief Executive Officer of ASPIRE), will introduce the initiative of the circular economy to support the closing of material and energy loops within the economy. The goal is to retain material and energy flows at their highest possible value and utility for as long as possible while providing safe and regenerative end-of-life disposal.
Waste and carbon emissions are two major issues in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong SAR Government has introduced the municipal solid waste charging scheme to mitigate the waste and committed to reaching carbon neutrality by 2050. Transitioning from a linear economy to a circular economy can both assist in reducing waste and carbon emissions. Reducing the generation of waste also saves the embodied carbon and ensures the efficient use of resources. The CLP and ASPIRE platform will share how a circular economy can save and measure the Scope 3 emissions. The circular economy concept is a way that businesses and consumers can change their behavior and practices to reduce waste impact and carbon emissions.
If you are interested in attending this webinar, please submit your Registration Form to our YMC (ymc@hongkongwma.org.hk) before 5:00 pm on 11 October 2021 (Thursday). The webinar is free-of-charge but is with a maximum of participants of 200. Successful registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis. The webinar meeting link will be provided to you through e-mail after the successful registration.
December 2021: HKGBC’s “Advancing Net Zero Ideas Competition”
As part of the World Green Building Council’s (WBC's) Advancing Net Zero initiative to accelerate the uptake of net zero carbon buildings by 2050, Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) is committed to raising awareness and stimulating actions for the Hong Kong Building and Construction industry to Advancing Net Zero in a high-rise high-density urban context. To this end, HKGBC is organizing an Advancing Net Zero Ideas Competition - to generate ideas and solutions and enhance learning and knowledge sharing for advancing high density net zero.
HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of this event. A two-tier exercise, respectively, June and October 2021 will be carried out, followed by the Award Ceremony tentatively in December 2021. Please refer to the Competition Information Leaflet and visit https://anzideascompetition.hkgbc.org.hk/ for further information.
08 October 2021: HKGSA Annual Reception
HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the Annual Reception jointly organized by the Hong Kong Green Strategy Alliance (HKGSA) and the Hong Kong Environmental Industries Association (HKEnvIA), and co-organized with the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC).
Mr. WONG Kam-sing, GBS, JP, Secretary for the Environment of the HKSARG will be the Guest of Honor for the Reception, which will be held between 6:00pm and 8:00pm on 08 October 2021 (Friday) at Conference Hall, 4/F., HKPC Building.
Please register through directly with the organizers using one of the following options:
(a) Online Registration (https://forms.office.com/r/mC4PCyit2g); OR
(b) Fill in the attached Registration Form (Fillable PDF) and send the Reply Slip by e-mail to info@hkgsa.org.
23 September 2021: 28th Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Virtual Online Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the Twenty-Eighth (28th) Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Waste Management Association will be held on 23rd September 2021 (Thursday) at 6:00pm HKT. In view of the recent COVID situation and anti-epidemic measures in effect, the Executive Committee has responsibly (and reluctantly) decided to hold the AGM this year once again using virtual platform.
The AGM is an important event of HKWMA. Supports from all members are hereby sought. As a formality, below are:
(1) Notice of AGM (including online meeting link and sign-in details); and
(2) Minutes of the Previous AGM held in 2020;
(3) Nomination Form for executive committee members for the next session.
In the meantime, we urge you to make your nominations of HKWMA full members to become a member of the Executive Committee. Completed nominations shall be returned to our Honorary Secretary, Mr. Rex Lai, on or before 16th September 2021 per the instructions provided.
We look forward to seeing you at this key event for HKWMA and your continued support in the coming year. Hope we will be able to return “physical” in due course.
September 2021: Green Council presents “UN SDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong”
HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the “UN SDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong” presented by the Green Council. The Award is a sustainability initiative designed to accelerate and recognize efforts and achievements in contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted by all United Nations Member States in September 2015. The SDGs provide a framework and blueprint for the globe to take actions by 2030 on some of the most pressing issues confronting us in the pursuit of a more prosperous, inclusive and peaceful world for future generations.
The Awards are scheduled for enrolment until end of June 2021, followed by Assessment Period then Awards Presentation Ceremony some time in September 2021. Please see the attached Leaflet and visit https://www.greencouncil.org/sdgaa for full particulars.
In responses to EPD's written invitation to seek our views on the above subject, HKWMA has made its formal and written Submission to EPD. As you may be aware, the Talent List covers 11 types of professions, with "Waste Treatment Specialist" amongst one of these professions, hence signifying the importance of our professional involvement and dedications.
Special Arrangements on HKWMA Membership Subscriptions for Session 2021/22
HKWMA’s membership starts on 1st July every year, and it is time of the year to renew your HKWMA membership. As you may be aware that at the 2020/21 Annual General Meeting, a special resolution was approved that the 2020/21 annual subscription would also cover the 2021/22 period, as a measure to relieve the impact of the pandemic to our members. As a result, some special arrangements on membership subscriptions are required for this session.
For Existing Members
As a result of the above resolution, the annual subscription for the 2021/22 period would be waived for existing members subscribed for the 2020/21 session. While these members will not need to pay, we would still kindly request that you take a couple of minutes and provide updated information if there are changes to your particulars (e.g. contact details, working company, address, or any new representatives, etc.) by advising our HKWMA Membership Secretariat (winnie.yeung@veolia.com), so we can ensure you always will be kept updated on HKWMA news and events. Alternatively, you can send us the Application Form with the updated information. The membership certificate 2021/22 will then be prepared according to the updated information provided and sent via email to members.
For New Members
For new members, we are very pleased to confirm that the current membership fees would remain unchanged for the coming session. If you would like to apply for membership, then please complete the Application Form and proceed as instructed on the Form.
28 May 2021: Technical Visit to "The Billie Upcycling"
With the tremendous effort of our Young Members' Chapter (YMC), we are pleased to announce our first physical visit for a very long time - to The Billie Upcycling facility (https://thebillieupcycling.com/), a textile recycling plant located in Tai Po.
While most recycling processes require high volumes of water and chemicals to make useable yarns, The Billie System provides an innovative way to revive excess inventory, unused raw materials and textile waste. It combines new and existing technologies to create a waterless solution for recycling textile waste, lowering harmful effects to the environment. This mechanical recycling system does not consume water or produce chemical waste.
The Billie System has been recognized in numerous innovation awards globally. It has earned a Gold Medal in the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva and a Bronze prize in the 2019 Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards (HKGIA).
English will be primarily used throughout this half-day visit. Seats are very limited in view of the pandemic and please register at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScW4nRjUJC8hpBN-ssaxpX_J5TyJqF1xtyunJjlDUXiI0dAvg/viewform and follow the instruction of this Registration Flyer. Please act quickly to reserve your seat!
29 April 2021: ICE Hong Kong Association Annual Conference 2021 – “Infrastructure Development for Post-COVID-19 Era”
HKWMA is one of the Supporting Organizations of the Annual Conference of Institution of Civil Engineers Hong Kong (ICE HK). The theme for the Conference this year is “Infrastructure Development for Post-COVID-19 Era”.
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted not only people's health worldwide but also the social and economic developments of all nations. The current crisis is forcing all sectors in the society to rapidly adapt to working more innovatively with new technologies. Civil engineers and the construction industry as a whole are no exception but have to exploit opportunities to work smarter in delivering our professional services for the planning, design and construction of infrastructure projects.
The Conference will be held in a hybrid “physical” and “online” mode. Please see the Conference Flyer or visit https://www.ice.org.uk/events/hka-annual-conference-2021-hong-kong for full details.
29 April 2021: HKIE Environmental Division Annual Forum – “Decarbonisation – How Do We Prepare for the Transformation” (Online)
As a long term collaborative of HKWMA, we are pleased to support the Annual Forum organized by the HKIE Environmental Division (HKIE EVD). This year, the theme of the Forum is "Decarbonisation – How Do We Prepare for the Transformation”. Further to the public engagement exercise on the long-term Decarbonisation for Hong Kong undertaken by the Council for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement with nearly 200 signatories, Hong Kong, like other developed countries and world cities, should share its climate responsibility, especially to address extreme weather conditions arisen in recent years and set Decarbonisation target. Whether Hong Kong will consider a reduction target of 60% or 80% or more, Decarbonisation will be a major challenge and opportunity to drive changes in our city and our lifestyle. The primary objectives of this forum are to serve as a platform to communicate and review Decarbonisation strategies; share local and international practices and explore relevant digitalization & innovation for Decarbonisation. At the same time, we would like to know how technologies and development can become critical enablers for the transformation and present both opportunities and challenges to engineers.
The Guest of Honour for the Forum is Mr WONG Kam-sing, GBS, JP, Secretary for the Environment, Environment Bureau, The Government of the HKSAR and the Opening Address will be delivered by Ir Professor PL YUEN, President, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. Please see the Event Flyer, visit the Event webpage (https://sites.google.com/view/hkieevd2021/home) and register at https://forms.gle/zVEK9ryG9xAp2MxU7 if you are interested.
27 April 2021: HKWMA Spring Reception (online)
It is time of the year again, but unfortunately we will not have the opportunity to arrange the Spring Reception event face-to-face for the year. However, please do enjoy a homemade cocktail and tune into the Zoom webinar as we are very fortunate to have the honour of Mr. Wong Kam-sing (GBS, JP, Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR) to deliver this years' seminar for our members on the subject of "The Waste Blueprint for Hong Kong 2035". (Presentation Slides **)
** This presentation file is the property of the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) of the Government of the HKSAR, and was presented at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA) in April 2021. Proper citation shall be provided if any information within these slides is used.
12 ~ 15 April 2021: International Conference Sustainable Biowaste Management (SMB2021)
Building on the successes of the past four International Conferences (ICSWHK2011, ICSWHK2013, ICSWHK2015 and BioWCHK2016), the Sino-Forest Applied Research Centre for Pearl River Delta Environment (ARCPE) and the Institute of Bioresource and Agriculture (IBA) of the Hong Kong Baptist University once again organizes another international conference for 2021 – “Sustainable Biowaste Management (SMB2021)”.
As in previous years, HKWMA is pleased to show our continual support by being one of the Supporting Organization. Increasing urban population and industrialization are the key factors causing serious global environmental problems including increased solid waste generation, decreased soil quality, inadequate nutrient recycling, and increased emission of greenhouse gases. Similar situation is faced in densely populated Hong Kong which generates over 10,000 tonnes of municipal solid waste per day, of which 35% is food waste. Landfilling remains the main treatment technology which has additional environmental consequences. Therefore, SBM 2021 creates a timely platform to bring successful case studies and research innovations from developed and developing countries and devise strategies for waste management industry which is expected to face a huge transition with more business opportunities.
The Main Conference will be held online between 12 and 14 April 2021, followed by Technical Field Trip on 14 April and Training Workshop on 15 April 2021.
Please see the attached Conference Flyer and Conference Programme for information, and visit https://sbm2020.hkbu.edu.hk/ for other particulars.
January 2021: Green Building Award 2021 (GBA 2021)
HKWMA is pleased to become a Supporting Organization of GBA 2021, which is co-organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC). Since 2006, this biennial Award aims to provide recognition to building-related projects and organizations with outstanding performance and contributions in sustainability and the built environment in Hong Kong and the region.
This year’s Award is themed "Shaping Liveability • Excellence in Sustainable Built Environment". GBA 2021 is now open for nomination with submission deadline of 12:00 noon on 15 June 2021 in five (5) categories: (a) New Buildings, (b) Existing Buildings, (c) Research & Planning, (d) Building Products and Technologies and (e) Green Building Leadership. Results will be announced at an Award Presentation Ceremony in January 2022 (exact date TBA). Please visit www.gba.org.hk for more information about this event.
22 March 2021: Webinar on "The Future of Producer Responsibility Scheme for Beverage Packaging and the Roles of Professional Groups Can Play in Reducing Waste from Beverage Consumption"
Jointly organized with HKIE Environmental Division, CIWEM HK Branch and HKMWA, the said webinar aims to explore on the Government's recently announced a public consultation on building the "Producer Responsibility Scheme (PRS) on Plastic Beverage Containers" (www.pprs.hk/en) in Hong Kong. The deadline for comments is 21 May 2021. The key concerns revolve around "What are the key choices in designing a scheme that is right for Hong Kong?", "What should the return value be?", "Which packaging to include?", "Where to return it?", "Who should be responsible for the scheme?", etc.
Mr. Nigel Mattravers, an Executive Committee Member of HKWMA and Representative of New Life Plastics (www.nlplastics.com.hk) together with Mr. Paul Zimmerman, Chairman of the Single-Use Beverage Packaging Working Group will share their insights on the subject. This coalition of beverage manufacturers and importers, waste handlers and recyclers, institutions, retailers and NGOs, seeks to reduce 70% ~ 90% of beverage packaging going to waste by 2025 with its initiative Drink Without Waste (drinkwithoutwaste.org).
The seminar is free of charge with maximum of participants of 200. For registration, please complete the online Google Form (https://forms.gle/1B1UfCctvm8TdPeNA). Successful applicants will be notified before the event. For enquiries, please contact Mr. Benjamin Lam at bencamay1119@gmail.com. Attendance certificate will be awarded after the webinar.
16 March 2021: HKWMA participated in the “Public Consultation on the Producer Responsibility Scheme on Plastic Beverage Containers”
Organized by the Waste Management Policy Division of Environmental Protection Department (EPD), our Vice Chairman, Mr. Antoine Grange, represented HKWMA at the said online public consultation session and presented our views on the said PRS.
23 February 2021: HKIE Environmental Division & PolyU’s Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering - Green Innovation Webinar Series No.3
HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the said webinar series organized by the Environmental Division of HKIE (HKIE-EVD) and PolyU’s Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering on 23 February. Two (2) talks will be delivered, namely:
- “Key Parameters of Wood Wastes Conversion for Value-Added Products” by Dr. Ben LEU; and
- Sustainability at Solar-Water Nexus” by Dr. WANG Peng.
Please visit see the Event Flyer for more details and enroll with HKIE directly at http://ev.hkie.org.hk/ if you are interested.
A Written Submission was made to the Chairman of The Bills Committee on Waste Disposal (Charging for Municipal Solid Waste) of the LegCo today, expressing the Association's support on the said charging scheme and the rationale behind such support.
05 February 2021: HKIE Environmental Division’s “Environmental Paper Award 2020”
[For Members’ Information] As an annual event of the HKIE Environmental Division, the “Environmental Paper Award” aims to recognize engineers’ efforts in various environmental researches and projects. This Award is intended to encourage widespread emergence of environmentally sound projects. The Champion Prize for the Award is HK$10,000 plus an Award Certificate while the Runner-up Prize is HK$5,000 with an Award Certificate. A Certificate of Merit will also be presented to the other outstanding papers. The winning papers may be recommended for publication in the Hong Kong Engineer or HKIE Transactions.
There is also a new award this year called the “Popularity Award” and this HK$500 award is to be awarded to the social media post that got the most number of “likes” / “loves” on EVD official Facebook and Instagram page. Please check out the attachments or link below for more details. The deadline of paper submission is 5 February 2021 (FRI). You may refer to http://ev.hkie.org.hk/en_it_events_inside_Upcoming.aspx?EventID=1194&&TypeName=Awards for more details.
04 February 2021: BEAM Society’s Training & Education Programme (2021-2022)
The BEAM Society Limited offers a wide range of training and education courses all year round. As in previous years, HKWMA is pleased to continue its support to this meaningful and formal training programme:
- BEAM Professional (BEAM Pro) Training & Examination (http://www.beamsociety.org.hk/en_professionals_1.php)
- BEAM Affiliate Training & Examination (http://www.beamsociety.org.hk/en_affiliate_1.php)
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Training and Site Visits (https://www.beamsociety.org.hk/en_cpd_1.php)
HKWMA members are entitled to a discounted training fee of $100 per CPD hour (normal rate at $270). Members are encouraged to visit the respective websites and enroll directly with BEAM Society.
01 February 2021: BEAM Society's Education Programme (2021 ~ 2022)
As in the past years, HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of BEAM Society Limited's Education Programme (2021 ~ 2022), including:
- BEAM Professional (BEAM Pro) Training & Examination (2021/2022) (http://www.beamsociety.org.hk/en_professionals_1.php)
- BEAM Affiliate Training & Examination (http://www.beamsociety.org.hk/en_affiliate_1.php)
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Training and Site Visits (https://www.beamsociety.org.hk/en_cpd_1.php)
Please visit their respective websites for updated training, education and examination schedules. HKWMA members will enjoy a Special Discount (on average from HK$270 per CPD hour to now HK$100 per CPD hour). Please enroll with BEAM Society directly if you are interested.
13 and 15 January 2021: Green Council's Training Course on "Building Energy Management"
HKWMA is a Supporting Organization of the said training course organized by Green Council (GC). The two-half day online training sessions will be focused on "Building Energy Management".
Session 1 (13 January 2021, 14:30 ~ 17:30)
- Introduction of energy management system and relevant guidelines and regulations for building
- Retro-commissioning implementation
Registration: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5483735490520764429
Session 2 (15 January 2021, 14:30 ~ 17:30)
- Measurement & Verification of Energy Performance
- Cases sharing
- RCx project presentation by HK Electric who won Hanson Grand RCx (Implementation) Award in Energy Saving Championship Scheme 2019 by EMSD
Registration: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/568975688967059981
The training course is free-of-charge, and Certificate of Attendance will be issued to participants who attended all the 2 sessions and completed a feedback survey. Please see the Course Flyer for full details and register with Green Council directly if you are interested.
30 December 2020: Written Submission to the Ombudsman on the Investigation on the Management and Effectiveness of Waste Separation Bins
On 30 November 2020, the Ombudsman, Ms. Winnie Chiu, announced the launch of a direct investigation to examine the management of waste separation bins by the Environment Bureau and the Environmental Protection Department (EPD), and the effectiveness of the relevant programme. Further, the Ombudsman was inviting information and views from members of the public on this topic in form of a written submission by 30 December 2020: Full press release is available at https://ofomb.ombudsman.hk/abc/en-us/press_releases/detail/242.
As a long-standing professional association in the field of waste management, HKWMA feels obliged to write and respond to such investigation. A Task Force was formed and after deliberations and approval at the Executive Committee, a written submission was made to the Ombudsman. The full submission is available here.
As a member of HKWMA, you can be rest assured of our best efforts in continually serving and safeguarding a sensible, practical and sustainable waste management practice in Hong Kong.
31 December 2020: BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards 2020 (中銀香港企業環保領先大獎 2020)
HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the "BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards Programme" (中銀香港企業環保領先大獎2020), organised by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI) and sponsored by Bank of China (Hong Kong). Since 2015, the Programme aims to promote active participation in environmentally-conscious practices among the manufacturing and service enterprises in Hong Kong and the Pan-Pearl River Delta (Pan-PRD) region to further reduce environmental footprints in these communities.
✓ All participating enterprises and awardees will be entitled to use the respective logos on their marketing materials within a one-year entitlement period.
✓ Enterprises applied for the Awards for 3 or 5 consecutive years will be granted the 3 Years+ or 5 Years+ EcoPioneer logo respectively.
✓ All participating enterprises of EcoChallenger will be provided with an assessment service by a professional assessment organisation.
✓ Media coverage and exposure.
The Awards 2020 now calls for application until 31 December 2020, please click here to visit the Award Website. For the details, please click HERE to download the Awards 2020 brochure. For enquiry, please email to bocawards@fhki.org.hk.
31 December 2020: Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence 2020 (HKAEE 2020) Deadline Extended !
HKWMA is honored to be a Supporting Organization of The Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (the HKAEE), led by the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) alongside the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and in conjunction with nine organizations including Advisory Council on the Environment (ACE), Business Environment Council (BEC), Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI), Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC), Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (CGCC), The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong (CMA), The Hong Kong Chinese Importers’ & Exporters’ Association (HKCIEA), The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS).
Various levels of award are available including “Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence Gold Award”, “Silver Award", “Bronze Award”, etc. Please visit 2020 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE) and Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards (HKGIA) for eligibility and application particulars.
HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the said webinar seriess organized by the Environmental Division of HKIE (HKIE-EVD) and School of Energy and Environment of City University of Hong Kong (SEA/CityU) on 16 December. Two (2) talks will be delivered, namely:
1. "Integrated Biorefinery from Waste and Biomass Valorization" by Dr Jason Lam; and
2. "Tracking the Fate and Transport of the Invisible Bacteria in Indoor Environment" by Dr Patrick Lee
Please visit http://ev.hkie.org.hk/en_it_events_inside_Upcoming.aspx?EventID=1193&&TypeName=Events+%2f+Activities for full event details, and register online (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdK9NJoB5m--VlzzJ3F0Iv3K6Eh3VG_aciybyTNtKrNgYTYXA/viewform) if you are interested.
15 December 2020: Green Council’s “Accelerating Sustainable Development in Hong Kong” Online Forum
HKWMA is pleased to be a Promotion Partner of Green Council’s online “Accelerating Sustainable Development in Hong Kong” Forum to celebrate its 20th Anniversary.
The forum will be carried out online between 4:00pm and 5:00pm on 15th December 2020 (Tuesday) and the language of the Forum will be in Cantonese. Speakers Mr. Wong Kam-sing, Secretary for the Environment, Ms. Gilly Wong Fung-han, Chief Executive of the Consumer Council, Mr. Shih Wing-ching, Founder & Chairman of the Centaline Group and Ms. Ellie Tang, Head of Sustainability of New World Development and Ms. Linda W P Ho, Chief Executive Officer of the Green Council. The forum is free-of-charge. If you are interested, please register here.
08 December 2020: BEC Webinar on "Designing Buildings for a Zero Waste Hong Kong"
Being one of the Supporting Organizations, HKWMA is pleased to advise that Business Environment Council (BEC) will be holding a webinar on "Designing Buildings for a Zero Waste Hong Kong". Prestigious speakers include Ms Clare Miflin, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Certified Passive House Designer, Certified Biomimicry Professional (Founder, Center for Zero Waste Design), Dr Amie Lai (Senior Sustainable Development Manager, Swire Properties Limited), Ir Dr Cary Chan, JP (Executive Director, Hong Kong Green Building Council), Ms Fiona Sykes (Associate, Arup), Ms Jackie Luk, AIA, LEED AP (Associate Principal, Kohn Pederson Fox (Hong Kong)), Mr. M.K. Leung (Director of Sustainable Design, Ronald Lu & Partners).
The event is free-of-charge. Please see the Event Flyer or visit https://bec.org.hk/en/eventinfo?eid=20 for full event and registration details.
There are also updates on social media as follows:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bec.hongkong/posts/3523985317657140
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/business-environment-council_highdensity-verticalcity-zerowaste-activity-6739758417843503104-HAuE25 November 2020: Webinar on “Mil Mill”
As you might recall, HKWMA had previously scheduled a visit to Mil Mill in April this year, but was unfortunately cancelled due to the pandemic. In view of the current situation, the Young Member Chapter (YMC) of HKWMA had decided to adopt an alternative mode to enable our members to know more about this unique facility via a webinar, which was successfully held on 25 November 2020.
Mil Mill is the first pulp mill and education center that recycle beverage cartons in Hong Kong and supported by Recycling Fund. They can process 10 tonnes of beverage cartons daily and convert them into paper pulp. Please see the announcement attached for rundown.
25 November 2020: HKIE Environmental Division & CityU's School of Energy & Environment - Green Innovation Webinar Series No.1
HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the said webinar seriess organized by the Environmental Division of HKIE (HKIE-EVD) and School of Energy and Environment of City University of Hong Kong (SEA/CityU) on 25 November. Two (2) talks delivered were:
1. "Low-Cost High Performance Daytime Passive Radiative Cooling Technology with Zero Energy Input for Mitigating the Climate Change" by Dr Edwin Tso; and
2. "Data-driven Decision Making for Waste Management and Rouse Efficiency: Path to a Circular Economy" by Dr Shauhrat S Chopra
Please visit http://ev.hkie.org.hk/en_it_events_inside_Upcoming.aspx?EventID=1192&&TypeName=Events+%2f+Activities for full event details.
23 ~ 27 November 2020: HKPC “Foresight 2021” Online Forums
HKWMA is pleased to support Hong Kong Productivity Council’s (HKPC’s) “Foresight 2021”, comprising a series of online forums sharing important insights into the future trends and development of transformation, technology and new economy in 2021. Featuring industry leaders and experts, this 5-day web-based spectacle brought businesses future insights covering digital commerce, green-tech & sustainability practices, future leadership skills, 5G and IoT, and re-industrialisation, helping them to get a head start in the Hong Kong, GBA and ASEAN markets. Brief descriptions on different sessions were as follows:
- Opening Forum – Foresight Leader Forum: “How technologies can equip SMEs for the new economy?”
- Digital Commerce – ASEAN Markets
- Green-Tech and Sustainability
- ASEAN LIVE – Unveil the Opportunities and Challenges
- ASEAN Opportunities – Seeding and Exceeding Success Forum
- Digital Commerce – The Greater Bay Area
- FutureSkills: The CEO Panel – Cultivating a Future-proof Workforce
- FutureSkills Forum: The Growth Leaders Panel – Building Resilience & Embracing Transformation
- 5G-IoT Development
- Re-industrialisation
These forums are free-of-charge. Please see the attached Event Brochure for details.
The Green Council (GC) organized two (2) half-day webinars under the theme of “Development and Evolution of a Sustainable City and Community”. HKWMA is glad to be one of the Supporting Organizations for these webinar. Please refer to the Event Brochure for details:
19 November 2020 (Thursday) / 09:00-12:00
Session 1: “How can Hong Kong become and continue to evolve as a Sustainable City”
26 November 2020 (Thursday) / 09:00-12:00
Session 2: “How could be a sustainable community? Now and the Way Forward”
17 November 2020: IFMA's Facility Management Conference, Integrate 2020 (Online Webinar)
HKWMA is pleased to support the Hong Kong Chapter of IFMA's (International Facility Management Association) Facility Management Conference "Integrate 2020", under the theme of “Changing the FM Conversation – Sustainability and Technology”.
IFMA is the world’s largest and most widely recognized international association for facility management professionals. The Conference was held using webinar format between 9:00am – 5:00pm.
Special Arrangement on Membership Subscription for Year 2021/2022
At the 27th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 28th September 2020, a special arrangement for membership subscription was approved:
“The COVID-19 pandemic has substantially impacted many business and industrial sectors. The upcoming need to assist our society and members’ business recovering back to the right track should be a primary goal for HKWMA.
To contribute to the efforts of achieving this goal, we are proposing (and subsequently approved at the aforesaid AGM) to allow the current (the Year 2020-21) annual subscription to cover up to the Year 2021-22. We hope this can help reduce the impact of COVID19 on members and assist more member development through the HKWMA platform.”
We at HKWMA wish everyone all the best during this exceptional and difficult time.
It remains important that the AGM of the HKWMA goes ahead, despite the ongoing pandemic situation. Therefore, taking cognizance of the latest anti-virus control measures in place, this years' AGM was held using a virtual platform on 28th September 2020 (Monday) at 6 pm, for the first time in the history of HKWMA.
Relevant instructions, agenda, nomination forms, minutes of meetings and other formalities were sent to all member duly prior to the AGM
Unfortunately, there was no Cocktail Reception after the AGM this year. However, we look forward to and your continued support in the coming years!G.R.E.E.N. Hospitality, funded by the Sustainable Developmenf Fund (SDF), is an initiative that promotes and embeds sustainable and environmental-friendly elements in the Tourism and Hospitality industy. This year, a series of conferences were held under "G.R.E.E.N. Hospitality Conference 2020" through online media.
If you missed any of the event for any reasons, recordings are now available at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLq6umZsffNa-zTCNPX36ZOHQgGtDMKvf. Enjoy!
Series #1
02 September 2020 (Wed) @ 5:30pm
“Circular Economy & Waste Management” by Tim Parker from Circular City
Series #2
10 September 2020 (Thu) @ 5:30pm
“Food Wastes” by Benjamin Lephilibert from Light Blue ConsultingSeries #3
17 September 2020 (Thu) @ 5:30pm
There will be a surprise guest on the topic of “Plastic”
HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organization for the said online Annual Forum. Please see attached Forum Flyer for details and some particulars below:
Details of the Forum were shown below:
Date : 29 June 2020 (Monday)
Time : 6:00 – 7:00pm
Format : Online Video Broadcast (Registrant will receive an email notification with the broadcast link)
Language : Cantonese
The Hong Kong Waste Management Association is a supporting organization of the Green Council's 2020 series of seminars and training workshops:
- Training Workshop 1 (June 2020) - Management of Carbon Footprint
- Seminar 1 (July 2020) - Integrating Sustainable Development Goals into Corporate Sustainability
- Training Workshop 2 (September 2020) - Application of ISO 26000 – Guidance on Social Responsibility and Latest HKEx ESG Disclosure Requirements and Assessment of Corporate Sustainability
- Seminar 2 (December 2020) - Development and Evolution of a Sustainable City and Community
- Training Workshop 3 (February 2021) - Building Energy Management
HKWMA is pleased to support Business Environmental Council's (BEC's) EnviroSeries Conference 2020: "Business Sustainability in the midst of Disruption, Turbulence and Recovery".
Reflecting on the unprecedented disruption the world is facing in recent months, the main objective of this Conference was to challenge the conventional wisdom and explore innovative, low carbon approaches to recover from the lows of the COVID-19 outbreak. The conference highlighted the tough challenges, extended risks as well as new-found opportunities faced by businesses in such difficult time, and to showcase how corporate leaders are building resilience and adaptability into their business planning and operations for long-term sustainability.
Please visit https://bec.org.hk/events-current/bec-enviroseries-conference-2020-business-sustainability-in-the-midst-of-disruption-turbulence-and-recovery for full particulars.
Cancelled : Technical Visit to “Mil Mill” (喵坊)
Due to coronavirus, HKWMA was advised that Mil Mill will not be open in April. Therefore, we regret to advise you that the said visit, originally scheduled on 18 April 2020, was cancelled, subject to further re-arrangement in future. For participants who have already paid the deposit, we have arranged refund. Thank you in advance for your kind understanding during this exceptional period.
HKWMA is pleased to announce a technical visit to Mil Mill. Supported by the Recycling Fund, Mil Mill is the first pulp mill and education center that recycle beverage cartons in Hong Kong. They can process 10 tonnes of beverage cartons daily, and convert them into paper pulp. Please visit https://sites.google.com/view/milmill/main?authuser=0 for details. Seats are limited on a first-come-first-servce basis. The deadline for registration is 28 March 2020 at https://forms.gle/bGk7xmYQ68iqSucQA.
Due to the outbreak of coronavirus, HKWMA was informed that the said HKIE Forum, originally scheduled on 24th April 2020, had been cancelled.
27 ~ 28 September 2019 - 13th Two-Coasts Four-Places Forum on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (海峡两岸四地固体废物管理论), Xi’an (西安), China
For the thirteenth (13th) consecutive year, the traditional “Annual Two-Coast Four-Places Forum on Sustainable Solid Waste Management" (海峡两岸四地固体废物管理论) was successfully hosted by the Chinese Association of Urban and Environmental Sanitation (中国城市环境卫生协会) in Xi’an (西安), China. The Forum was also co-organized by HKWMA, the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering (CIEnvE), Taiwan as well as the Macau Institution of Engineers.
For those new to HKWMA, this annual event takes place in rotation at four regional cities of Mainland China, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong. Organized by experienced local waste management organizations, the Two-Coast Forum became a major regional annual event in the world of waste management, which is always well attended by various stakeholders in the region, including government officials, academics, professionals, representatives from a variety of associations and institutes and business men.
The first day of the Forum was forum registration, followed by a technical visit on the next day and forum presentations in the afternoon. The language used was Putonghua. Please see the attached Notice for full details.
There was no registration fee for the Forum, but the delegatee were responsible for his / her own costs of, and arrangements of, transportation and accommodation, etc. The Executive Committee had sponsored full members of HKWMA to attend the forum by offering up to HK$3,000 for each attending member.
26 September 2019: 2019 (26th) Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The 2019 AGM of HKWMA was held on 26th September 2019. To coincide with HKWMA's Forum and HKWMA's 25th Anniversary Dinner on the same day, the AGM was held at the Regal Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui. Following the AGM there was an Anniversary Dinner.
26 September 2019: Forum on "Municipal Solid Waste Charging: How will it impact Hong Kong?"
As part of a series of events to celebrate HKWMA's 25th Anniversary in 2019, a One-Day Forum on "Municipal Solid Waste Charging: How will it impact Hong Kong?" was held at the Chiang Chen Studio Theatre of the PolyU.
With Hong Kong progressively moving towards sustainable waste management and in view of the municipal solid waste (MSW) charging scheme upcoming in due course, this One-Day Forum focused on discussing and forecasting how this charging scheme would bring along the "temporary pain" to Hong Kong in the short term, and how it would likely alter the landscape and ecology of the waste management practices, recycling industries and citizens' behavioural changes in Hong Kong on the long run.
Apart from key local policy makers and advocators, prestigious speakers from our neighbouring Asia region as well as those from Europe shared with us their experiences on the initial formulation of policies, behavioural changes observed, difficulties encountered as well as the continual evolution of their waste management policies and practices to suit their local needs and cultures.
As one of the most devoted professional associations in Hong Kong dedicated on waste management, this Forum was an unique and open platform to all those interested in appreciating the in-depth changes to be brought about by this MSW charging scheme.
The Forum was broadly divided into three (3) sessions - "Policy", "Implementation" and "Recycling Industry", and will be one of the very few occasions where local government officials, policy makers, academia, community stakeholders, consultants, contractors get together to discuss the upcoming MSW charging scheme, in presence of and in support from regional and international experts who had already undergone this exercise.
Invited guests included:
- Mr WONG Kam-sing, GBS, JP, Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR
- Dr the Hon LO Wai-kwok, SBS, MH, JP, Legislative Councillor (Engineering Functional Constituency), HKSAR
- Professor June-Woo PARK, Chair of Board of trustees, Recycling Federation of Social Solidarity Enterprises, South Korea
- Mr Simon WONG, BBS, JP, Convenor, FoodSmart Partnership Programme, HKSAR
Early-Bird Registration (on or before 31 Aug 2019)
Members of HKWMA and Supporting Organizations: $600
Non-Members: $700
Full Registration (after 31 Aug 2019)
Members of HKWMA and Supporting Organizations: $700
Non-Members: $800
HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the “FoodSmart Conference for Food and Beverage Trade” 「星星相惜」餐飲業環保會議及展覽, organized under the “FoodSmart Partnership Programme” (FSPP) 「星星相惜」餐飲伙伴計劃」.
The FSPP was formed by The Association for Hong Kong Catering Services Management Limited., Association of Restaurant Managers, Chamber of Food & Beverage Industry of Hong Kong, Estates' Restaurants (Hong Kong) Merchant Association, Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades and The Association for Institution of Dining Art, and co-organized by EPD, Food Wise Hong Kong Campaign and the Hong Kong Productivity Council (as Secretariat).
The keynote speaker was Ms. Maisie Cheng (Permanent Secretary for the Environment) with officiating guest Mr. KS Wong (Secretary for the Environment).
You are invited to attend and is free. Please see the Event Flyer for detailed information.
As in the previous years, HKWMA is honored to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the "HSBC Living Business Awards". Implementation of corporate sustainability is imperative to economic success of a company. Launched in 2004, the HSBC Living Business Programme has been helping local small and medium enterprises (“SMEs”) become more competitive and productive by incorporating socially and environmentally sustainable practices into their business operations. The Programme provides a learning platform for SMEs to understand the best practices in corporate sustainability and offers recognition to SMEs with outstanding performance.
With reference to the global trend of sustainability, the Programme would further encourage and help SMEs to gauge their success and achieve business sustainability by addressing global sustainable development agenda with reference to the United Nations’ (“UN”) Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”). By managing impacts and opportunities in different aspects in business, it could help SMEs in better planning for their business strategies and directions, managing their business risks, creating business opportunities and fostering a sustainable future.
Please visit their official website (https://livingbusiness.hk/en/about/hkbc_living_business_awards/) for full details.
13 ~ 16 November 2019: International Conference on Solid Waste 2019
With Prof. Jonathan Wong of HK Baptist University serving as the Vice Chairman of the Conference, the International Conference on Solid Waste 2019 was held in Hangzhou (杭州), China. Please visit their official website (www.icsw2019.org) for more information.
31 July ~ 01 August 2019: [For Member’s Information] 5th Waste Management Association of Malaysia Annual Conference & Gala Dinner, K.L., Malaysia
Alongside with HKWMA and as one of the signatories of the Asia Pacific Waste and Environment Alliance (APWEA), The Waste Management Association of Malaysia (WMAM) had held the said Annual Conference in Malaysia. The theme of the Conference was “Plastics: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly”.
Please find event flyer for your information.
As in the previous years, HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of this important annual event of HKGSA. This year, HKGSA had invited Mr. K.S. Wong, the Secretary for the Environment, as the Guest of Honour of their Reception. Please see the attached flyer for details.
29 May 2019: HKWMA participates in EPD's "Green Event Pledge"
HKWMA is pleased to announce that it had become one of the Participating Organizations of the Green Event Pledge. The Pledge aims to have the mind of environmental protection in place during the entire lifecycle of event planning and execution. Please visit https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/en/green_event_pledge.htm for more details.
The HKWMA and the Hong Kong Green Strategic Alliance (HKGSA) had organized a technical visit to this very first organic resources recovery centre (O.Park) in Hong Kong, which was recently commissioned to process some 200 tonnes / day of food waste. Please visit the facility's official website (www.opark.gov.hk) for further details.
The International Facility Management Association Hong Kong Chapter (IFMA-HK) had organized a preparation workshop on the particulars of an examination towards the Certified Facility Manager (CFM) credential.
The annual International Exhibition on Plastics and Rubber Industries (CHINAPLAS) was the 33rd of its series and was held in Guangzhou, China. Interested members can visit their website (www.chinaplasonline.com) for details on the Exihibition details.
HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the annual EnviroSeries Conference of the Business Environment Council (BEC). The theme of the Conference for the year was "The Business of Waste – Solving Hong Kong’s Urgent Environment Problem", which was highly inline with the objectives of HKWMA.
As an usual traditional of HKWMA in the past decades, the annual Spring Cocktail Reception was held. All HKWMA members were invited to come to enjoy this pleasant and not-to-be-missed annual event of HKWMA at the Hong Kong Club. The Reception promised to offer a very relaxing environment to catch up with your old colleagues, meet new friends in the business, exchange experiences and share the latest news over a drink and some good food.
It was also our honour to have Mrs. Regina Leung Tong Ching-yee joining us as Guest of Honour to tell us more about her role as founder and patron of the Hong Kong NGO "Food for Good". Mrs. Leung founded the Food for Good organization in November 2012 to redistribute leftover food from hotels, restaurants and bakeries to those in need, and to promote policies on reducing and recycling food waste. Food For Good is neither a political advocacy group nor a pressure group. Food For Good aims to empower and inspire the community to enact positive solutions to the issue of food waste. They work with various non-governmental organisations, community organisations, food and beverage industry, housing estates, schools, industrial and commercial sectors and even more to mobilise a change of attitudes, habits and behaviour in handling food waste and to promote a greener eating habit.
As in the previous years, HKWMA is proud to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the HKIE Environmental Division's Annual Forum. The theme for the year was "Environmental Innovation - Opportunities & Challenges in Hong Kong".
28 April 2019: The Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE)
As in the previous year, HKWMA is proudly to continue being one of the Collaborative Partners for the 2019 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (2019 HKAEE). Applications for a series of awards are now closed. Please see the Programme Booklet for details.
The Green Building Award (環保建築大獎) is co-organised by the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC) and the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC), and was first inaugurated by PGBC in 2006. The award covers all sort of buildings including new and existing ones, as well as those of residential, commercial and institutional natures. Nominations was closed on 17 June 2019. Please visit www.gba.org.hk for particulars.
In this Symposium, there was introduction of NAMI's recycling technologies to turn different MSWs into high value products to provide financial incentives for recycling, with NAMI's industrial partners sharing their experience and success in recycling technology development and application. NAMI also introduced novel approaches for developing cost-effective new generation biodegradable materials and incorporating biodegradability into conventional plastics to ease the landfill burden.
Please see the event flyer for details.
As in the past year, HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the "BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards" (中銀香港企業環保領先大獎). Please visit their website (oneoneone.industryhk.org) for further details.
[ For Member's Information Only ]
For the 22nd time, this annual conference was reported to be the largest of its kind in the world, and was expected to be attended by over 800 international experts. HKWMA was therefore obliged to circulate the conference particulars for members' information.
In collaboration with the HKIE Environmental Division, HKWMA is pleased to organize the said technical visit to a 1,000kg/day 2-Stage Anaerobic Digestion (AD) Food Waste Pilot Plant (FWPP) and an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) Centre in Zhuhai. Please see the attached flyer for details. Registration was closed on 10th March 2019.
17 ~ 19 December 2018: It is our great honour and pleasure to inform you the HKWMA had accepted the invitation to be Co-Organizer for the "3rd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource 2018" (BWR2018), hosted by the Education University of Hong Kong (EUHK).
As you may recall, we were also co-organizer for the 2nd edition of this Conference last year and it was proven to be a well-attended, high quality and informative conference. 6 Plenary and 34 Keynote or Invited Speakers from 15 countries havd agreed to join the BWR2018 as organizing / scientific committee members. It was proven be even better for the year.
Please visit http://bwr2018.campus.or.kr for full particulars.
11 ~ 15 December 2018 - 12th Two-Coasts Four-Places Forum on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (海峡两岸四地固体废物管理论), Taipei
The traditional Annual Two-Coast Four-Places Forum on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (海峡两岸四地固体废物管理论) was hosted by our Taiwan professional counterpart in Taipei.
For those new to HKWMA, this annual event takes place in rotation at four regional cities of Mainland China, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong. Organized by experienced local waste management organizations, the Two-Coast Forum became a major regional annual event in the world of waste management, which is always well attended by various stakeholders in the region, including government officials, academics, professionals, representatives from a variety of associations and institutes and business men.
In 2017, HKWMA was the host and organizer of the Forum and it proved again to be a successful event. So we encourage you to participate in this edition in Taiwan. Beside exchanges with local experts during the Forum, there were also technical visits to waste treatment and resources recovery facilities included. In order to facilitate the participation of our members, the Executive Committee had decided to offer paying members of HKWMA a sponsorship of up to HK$1,500 for each attending member.
04 ~ 06 December 2018: 中国生活垃圾焚烧发展30年高峰论坛 (China Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Development - 30 Years Summit Forum)
It had been 30 years since the first municipal solid waste incinerator was built in Shenzhen, Guangdong in 1998. To benchmark this important milestone, the Guangdong Environmental Sanitation Association (广东省环境卫生协会) and the China Association of Urban Environmental Sanitation (中国城市环境卫生协会) had jointly organized the "China Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Development - 30 Years Summit Forum" in Shenzhen.
Participants included leaders of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Ministry of Ecological and Environment of the PRC, as well as representatives of other directly related government departments in Guangdong, international industry organizations., administrative departments of environmental sanitation in provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and research institute experts, scholars and and representatives from municipal solid waste incineration enterprise. Number of delegates was over 300.
As a long term partner of the China Association of Urban Environmental Sanitation, HKWMA is pleased to be a supporting organization for the event. Please visit their website (http://www.gd-esa.com/news/xiehuiwenjian/626.html) for more information.
05 ~ 08 December 2018 - Study Mission to Tokyo
Following the success of a similar Study Mission to Korea in June, HKWMA had organized a Study Mission to Tokyo, to learn about latest development in Recycling and Waste to Energy development. Apart from visits to a Food Waste to Biogas Plant, a Waste Plastic Recycling Plant, the "Kawasaki EcoLife Museum for the Future", meetings with Kawasaki government officials and representatives of Japan containers and packaging recycling association were also schedule. Delegates also joined part of the 20th EcoPro 2018 at the Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo International Exhibition Center) organized by the Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry (JEMAI).
Please see the flyer attached for more information.
05 - 07 November 2018: Organized by the HKIE Geotechnical Division, the Hong Kong Geotechnical Society (HKGES) and the Associated Research Centers for the Urban Underground Space (ACUUS), HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization for the "16th World Conference of Associated research Centers for the Urban Underground Space" (ACUUS 2018).
ACUUS is an international non-governmental organization dedicated to establish and maintain partnerships between experts who design, analyze and decide upon the use of large cities' underground spaces and the ACUUS series of conferences has been running since 1996 in world class cities with participation of policy makers, professionals and experts from respected organizations from all over the world.
Further, and as you may remember, HKWMA had already proposed to use underground spaces for waste handling in response to a government consultation in 2017. For more detailed information, please visit the conference website (www.acuus2018.hk).
Under joint efforts amongst the Gas & Energy Division, Environmental Division and Mechanical, Marine, Naval Architecture & Chemical Division of the HKIE, HKMWA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the HKIE Inter-Division Courses, which started from 02 November 2018 to 30 January 2019. These unique courses covered a very wide range of technical expertise covered by these HKIE divisions, and were well presented by some of the most experienced and respected practicing professionals in the industries.
Members of the HKIE and various supporting organizations enjoyed good discounts!
The ISWA (International Solid Waste Association) World Congress was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the year. The focusing topics included Energy Recovery and Biological Waste, Hazardous Waste and Health Care Waste, Collection, Transportation and Recycling, Climate Change and Landfills, Governance and Communication, Circular Economy, Closing Dumpsite and Marine Litter, Sustainable Consumption and Waste Management in Developing Countries, Technological Innovation in Solid Waste Management.
Being one of the Supporting Organizations of the important international event and as a past tradition of HKWMA, HKWMA had decided to sponsor full members to attend the World Congress and offers a HKD$2,500 subsidy per member for up to 10 members.
Please visit www.iswa2018.org for more information of this event.
The 2018 AGM of the HKWMA was held on 27 September 2018. For the year, we were honored to have Mr. Marshall TSOI, the Project Manager of the Organic Resource Recovery Centre Phase 1 (ORRC1) to share with us on the top of "Hong Kong’s First Organic Resources Recovery Centre – the first in many ways".
18 ~ 19 September 2018: CSR Asia Summit 2018
The CSR Asia Summit 2018 took place in the Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel in Hong Kong. Although this Summit was not solely focused on waste management but more on matters related to sustainability, corporate social responsibility and emerging business opportunities and challenges, there were some topics addressed in the "Emerging Issues and Impacts".
10 August 2018 - “Food Smart Partnership Programme”
HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the "Food Smart Partnership Programme" organized by the Association for Hong Kong Catering Services Management Ltd., the Association of Restaurant Managers, Chamber of Food & Beverage Industry of Hong Kong, Estates' Restaurants (Hong Kong) Merchant Association, Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades and The Association for Institution of Dining Art. A Kick-Off Ceremony was held on 24 August 2018 (Friday) at 2:45 pm in the Conference Hall, 4/F, HKPC Building, with Mr. KS Wong, Secretary for the Environment of the HKSAR Government, as the Guest of Honour.
In association with the HKIE Environmental Division, HKWMA is pleased to be coorganizing the said Technical Seminar on "Advanced Thermolysis System (ATS) Technology - An Organic Waste Solution". The technology was presented by Mr. Kevin HULL, BBA, Director of Magnum Group International Inc. - Canada, the company that developed the ATS Technology. The Advanced Thermolysis System (ATS) incorporates a patent-pending combination of steam, direct heat, indirect heat and fast pyrolysis treatment, ensuring a complete penetration of the feedstock, decomposition and a separation of into recoverable components (basically synthetic gas, oil and carbon) by the application of a unique condensing system. For more detailed information, please visit www.ewscanada.com.
Please click here to download the presentation materials.
HKWMA is pleased to announce that it is officially on Linkedin. Please feel free to check us out at https://www.linkedin.com/company/hkwma/.
19 July 2018: HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the "Annual Gathering of HAESCO on Energy Efficiency" organized by the Hong Kong Association of Energy Service Companies (HAESCO). Please see attached flyer for details.
17 July 2018: As you may remember, the HKIE Environmental Division and the HKWMA had organized the "Waste Management Study Trip to South Korea" in June. The objectives of this Study Trip were to study the waste management and engineering technologies applied in South-Korea and the main facilities visited included the Sudokwon Landfill, a plastic waste recycling facility, an automated refuse collection site and a waste sorting facility applying a RFID Smart Bin system. The group also met with the representatives of the Ministry of Environment of South-Korea and local waste management association, discussing several waste management developments and challenges, as well as attending the "Dream Park Resource Recycling Forum".
The trip was proven to be highly informative. Therefore, the organizers held a Debriefing Seminar on the Waste Management Study Trip to South Korea. Participation is free of charge but on-line registration is required at the HKIE Environmental Division website.
14 July 2018: The HKWMA Young Members Chapter (YMC) had arrangeda technical visit to the WEEE ∙ PARK (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Treatment and Recycling Facility). Seats were limited to 25 persons only. The visit was conducted in English and / or Cantonese. CPD certificates in electronic form were delivered via email to the participants after the visit.
04 July 2018: Led by our Vice Chairman, Mr. Antoine GRANGE, HKWMA was invited to a Debriefing Session on the Tender for a Proposed Waste-to-Energy (WtE) Facility at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) by the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK). HKWMA did open this opportunity to all members.
The briefing will be conducted between 9:30 am and 10:30am the Multi-functional Room, G/F. HKIA Tower at HKIA. The briefing was conducted in English, but questions were also asked in Chinese.
26 June 2018: It is our honor to inform you that the HKWMA is a Supporting Organization for the “Annual Symposium on Green Material Resources for Sustainable Construction Industry” at the HK PolyU. This one-day Symposium was organized by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE - Hong Kong Section), together with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the University of Hong Kong (HKU), and focused on, among others, the application of recycled materials in construction industry.
We were also pleased to draw your attention to the fact that two of our Executive Committee Members, Prof. Kaimin SHIH and Mr. David PEGG were speakers at this Symposium.
Please also note that all HKWMA members will enjoy a discounted fee and all attendants are eligible for a one-day CPD certificate. Please see attached flyer for more information.
HKWMA is pleased to be one of the Supporting Organizations of the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) Hong Kong Chapter's visit to the WEEE·PARK in EcoPark in Tuen Mun. Please see flyer for details.
22 June 2018: HKWMA is pleased to inform you about an interesting seminar regarding the “Bio- and Environmental Technology and Product development in the Mainland China Market” (內地專利商品化研討會 (生物科技及環保)). This Seminar was organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Invention and Innovation (HKFII) and the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), with support of BUD funding from the HKSAR Government.
We were honored to have our Former Chairman, Mr. Victor LI, as one of the speakers addressing the perspectives from Hong Kong companies and the environmental and waste management markets in Mainland China. It promised to be an interesting Seminar, especially for those active in the Mainland China market. Please note that the seminar will be conducted in Cantonese / Mandarin only. For more detailed information, please see attached flyer.
HKWMA is pleased to officially announce that it has further strengthened its partnership around the Asia Pacific Region, by signing two (2) MOUs with the Korean waste management counteparts, namely the Korea Waste Association (KWA) and the Sukodwon Landfill Site Management Corporation (SLC), respectively, on 11 May 2018 and 14 June 2018.
On top of the MOUs previously executed with the Chinese Association of Urban and Environmental Sanitation (CAUES) in 2008 and the Asia Pacific Waste and Environment Alliance (APWEA) in 2016, HKWMA is now even better positioned and connected with the key professional assocations in the region, creating even higher value-for-membership for our members.
06 June 2018: HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization for the "BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards 2018" Programme (中銀香港企業環保領先大獎). This Awards Programme has been co-organised by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI) and Bank of China (Hong Kong) (BOCHK) since 2015, and it aims to recognize the outstanding achievements of the manufacturing and services enterprises in Hong Kong and the Pan Pearl River Delta.
The programme had set up two new awards: the SME Award and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area Environmental Leadership Recognition Award which aimed to encourage (Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to conduct more environmental practices and to recognize the enterprises’ contribution on enhancing the environment of a city cluster in Bay Area in support of the development plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area.
For more detailed information about the Awards Programme, please see attached flyer and visit http://oneoneone.industryhk.org.
06 June 2018: Sino-German Dialogue Forum on Environment and Climate Change: "Exploring Solutions in Urban Solid Waste Management", Beijing, China
It is our pleasure and honor to extend an invitation to you for the upcoming Sino-German Dialogue Forum on Environment and Climate Change, with the theme "Exploring Solutions in Urban Solid Waste Management". This interesting annual forum was at the Hilton Hotel in Beijing and was organized by KfW, a German government-owned development bank, and the Chinese Ministry of Finance.
Our Chairman, Mr. Jude Chow, was invited to give a presentation on "Strengthening the Role of the Private Sector in Waste Management" and that a HKWMA Corporate member, Mr. Nigel Mattravers of ALBA Integrated Waste Solutions gave a presentation related to the topic of "Technology Cooperation for Recycling and Waste-to-Energy Solutions".
Please visit for official website http://sino-german-dialogue.org for more information.
23 May 2018 - BEC EnviroSeries Conference "The Greater Bay Area – Leveraging Opportunities for Hong Kong in the Transition towards Sustainability"
As in previous years, HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization of the said conference organized by the Business Environment Council Limited (“BEC”). The Conference explored how Hong Kong business could better engageto build up a sustainable Bay Area and how to position Hong Kong to make the most of the Greater Bay Area in transition towards sustainability. Government officials, business leaders, policy makers, senior executives and academia were invited to discuss the following areas. Please see flyer enclosed for details.
The Spring Reception was successfully concluded as scheduled at the Hong Kong Club. Our Guest of Honor, Mr. Tobias Fabian Huinink, Business Director Asia, ALBA Group shared wiht us some excellent insight about the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Treatment and Recycling Facility (WEEETRF) recently in full operations.
For photos of the Reception, please visit https://drive.google.com/open?id=194zlcWsPUXKtuhnGD6aQqeCMSJB8-MdT. Look forward to seeing you (again) at our upcoming activities!
HKWMA is pleased to be a Supporting Organization for the "Technical Mission to Toronto and Vancouver, Canada", organized by the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental management (CIWEM HK). The main objectives of this Technical Mission were to encourage sharing and exchange of valuable experience with the environmental facility management in Toronto and Vancouver, and to enhance the interconnection of trade practitioners and relevant businesses.
Please see CIWEM HK's flyer for details and registration procedures.
The environmental pressure and depletion of resources, as result from intense consumption, pollution and climate change, had led to the necessity to identify waste as a valuable resource that requires responsible and sustainable solutions for managing, recovering and recycling. Accordingly, concepts such as "zero waste", "circular economy" and "closed loops" had emerged worldwide as a new way of thinking about waste problems and unsustainable consumption and growth. The Hong Kong SAR Government, together with the key stakeholders, was actively supporting the development of waste reduction and recovery with various initiatives, major environmental programmes and infrastructure investments.
HKWMA had gladly accepted the invitation to be a Collaborative Partner for the 2018 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence and the activities that were organized in this context. At these seminars, twenty (20!) organizations from different sectors presented and shared their experiences in pursuing and achieving excellent environmental performance. This was an unique occasion to gather same ideas and inspiration to improve our environmental performance. For more detailed information, see the promotional flyer.
26 March 2018: BEAM Plus New Buildings Training and Examination Program
HKWMA is a Supporting Organization of the BEAM Plus New Buildings Training and Examination Program organized by the BEAM Society Limited. This training and examination was part of the BEAM Professionals accreditation program. The training took place on 26th March 2018, and the examinations were taken on 7th, 8th or 9th May 2018.
The BEAM assessment and certification provide building users with a performance label that demonstrates the overall quality of a building. A qualified BEAM green building is recognized to be aimed at sustainability, providing a safer, healthier, more comfortable, more functional and more efficient living or working environment. BEAM Professionals (BEAM Pro) are green building professionals accredited by the Hong Kong Green Building Council in various aspects of the green building life cycle. The key role of BEAM Pro is to integrate the latest green building standards and practices into everyday building planning, design, construction and operation. Note that candidates must complete the 1.5-hour Fundamental Course as a prerequisite before enrolling in this elective BEAM Plus New Buildings training. For more information about the BEAM Plus New Buildings Training and Examination program and registration, see attached flyer. HKWMA members did enjoy a discount on the training and examination fee.
22 March 2018 - Green Procurement Forum
The said Forum was organized by HK EPD in conjunction with HKPC. In this Forum, EPD promoted the purchase of goods and service that cause minimal adverse environmental and health impact and support the development of sustainable procurement and consumption. The Green Procurement Forum brought the key stakeholders together to exchange experiences and to define the role of procurement in achieving sustainable development and environmental excellence without compromising commercial and operational goals. For more detailed information, please see attached flyer.
21 March 2018 - Career Talk at THEi Tsing Yi Campus
As part of the YMC's effort in promoting HKWMA within educational institutions, a Career Talk was conducted on 21st March 2018 (Wednesday) between 18:15 and 20:30 at the Tsing Yi THEi Campus Lecture Hall 5 ( 20A Tsing Yi Road, Tsing Yi Island, New Territories). Topics included "Prospects in Waste Management Industry in Hong Kong", "Introduction on HKWMA and HKWMA-YMC", etc. which was presented by the Executive Committee Member as well as YMC Member of HKWMA.
Organized by the HKIE Environmental Division, supported by HKWMA and AIIB (Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings), sponsored by Jardine Engineering Corporation (JEC), CLP and Socam Development (瑞安建業), HKWMA YMC had organized a soccer team to compete for the championship.
In a continuing effort to sustain the waste management development in Hong Kong and attract talents to our business, the HKWMA started reaching out to various levels of stakeholders, and in particular, to younger generations who were looking for a challenging and promising career. Yet over the past decades, there had been negative stereotypes on the potential of waste management industry and the social status of practitioners (and even on engineers / professionals). With the technological advancement, the awareness of resources preservation and the concepts of circular economy driving our society and industry, it was one of the HKWMA policies to propagate the right messages to the general public and students from tertiary educations to consider devoting their career to waste management industry, at the same time, facilitating the industry to recruit the best talents to embrace the upcoming opportunities.
Commercial Radio 1 (CR1) invited our Immediate Past Chariman Mr. Victor Li to share our views via "Share my songs (有誰共鳴)" & the "KOT’s Education (葛民教育)" respectively on 18th September 2017 and 08th November 2017. These were two well-received light-hearted programs combining songs and sharing a useful message in a relaxed way, uncovering some unaware trade practices in an amusing atmosphere, and to spread the messages to a diverse audience. These two programs helped us clarifying some of our views to the public and especially younger generation.